
"But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 15:58

Archive for the tag “Bible reading”

The #1 Goal

lay it all down for the Lord by Will Foster

Today’s reading is Psalm 73.

“Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.” Can you say that to God? I know I struggle with this. But this is my goal. I want to be able to say along with the psalmist that the only thing I truly want is God. When I can say that, I know the enemy will have no foothold with which to take away my victory. It’s tough because the enemy dangles so many pretty baubles in front of me that are attractive and appealing. But only God will satisfy. May we grow to long for God above all things. Praise the Lord!!!

Monday’s reading is Matthew 1-2. (Monday’s devotional will be at Pursuing Holiness)

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A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Chateau Castelnaud by Lammyman

Today’s reading is Psalm 18.

America doesn’t have castles and fortresses, so we American Christians struggle to grasp the power of Psalm 18. But imagine living in troubled times as a farmer or villager outside of any city walls. And then you hear of a marauding bad of brigands terrorizing the countryside. Where would you go? Your hovel will provide little protection against the marauders. But the castle with its high stone walls would be the perfect place to seek protection. That is our God. He is the fortress that protects us from our roaring enemy if we will simply flee to His refuge. Victory doesn’t come for us because we stand and defend our plot of land. It comes because we run into the arms of the One who is strong enough to win.

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 73.

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God Can Use Even You

baby by gabi menashe

Today’s reading is Psalm 8.

Though true, Psalm 8 is not saying we can see the glory of God in something as expansive as the heavens and something as tiny as an infant. What it is saying is whenever we have victory, we are just infants in whom God is working. God wants to overcome the enemy. He wants to overcome the enemy through us. When we have had the victory, rather than proclaiming our strength, we need to see ourselves as infants through whom God accomplished victory. Then we can be adequately in awe when we look at the heavens wondering why God would ever think of us or use us in the grand ways He does. Truly, our Lord’s name is majestic. Though you are a weak infant, God can powerfully work through you. Hang on to Him.

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 18.

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The #1 Best Advice for Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Kings

Crown by Jason Train

Today’s reading is Psalm 2.

I’m not a very political fellow. In fact, though I vote and have opinions, I pretty much think God doesn’t intend us to make a Christian America via politics. Rather, He expects us to make disciples of our neighbors by spreading the gospel. That being said, however, I do have advice for all presidents, prime ministers, and kings. “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” The fastest way to destroy a nation is to disrespect Jesus and His kingdom. The best way to preserve a nation is to take refuge in Jesus. Of course, the victorious message for we who surrender to Him is that no matter what our nation does, in the end Jesus will judge and He will win. Hang on to Him. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 8.

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Getting to the Tree of Life Right Now

River Itchen by Neil Howard

Today’s reading is Psalm 1.

After finishing Revelation last Friday, this psalm really strikes me. While we are looking forward to the tree and river of life in our victorious future, we can have a living victory even now. How? By living in and from God’s Word. This time in God’s Word is not a homework assignment. It is a lifeline. In a sense, it is a very present access to the tree and river of life we look forward to in the future. Bathe in it and eat from it often. God’s Word is where life will be found.

Tomorrow’s reading is Psalm 2.

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The Day is Coming

source of life by llee_wu

Today’s reading is Revelation 22.

If Revelation has taught us anything it is that things may be tough now, but a glorious day is coming. A day of victory is on its way. In every age and at every time, whenever Christ’s church has been embattled, it can look to victory. Christ always wins. And in the ultimate end, He will also be victorious. The day is coming when, if we hang on to Jesus, we will bathe in the River of Life and stretch out on its shore while we picnic on the fruit from the Tree of Life. We will have no sun, because the Son will be our light. Praise the Lord, I can hardly wait!

Monday’s reading is Psalm 1.

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The Victorious Church

The Holy City by Waiting for the Word

Today’s reading is Revelation 21.

Can I make a suggestion to you about the city of Revelation 21? Instead of seeing it as heaven, recognize it as the victorious church, the bride of Christ. Here’s the reason you should do that. If you want to be part of this city when it is victorious, you have to be part of it while it is embattled. If you are part of it now, what a wonderful future you have ahead of you. If not, in Acts 2:27-41, 47, we learn that those who respond to Jesus’s promise in faith-filled baptism are added to this church. If we can help you with that today, please let us know.

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 22.

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The Reign of the Martyrs

flowing robes by Tauno tohk

Today’s reading is Revelation 20.

Do you remember them way back in chapter 6, the martyrs under the altar crying out, “How long?!” We saw them again in chapter 19 riding behind their conquering King. And now we see them reigning with Christ for a thousand years.  Don’t get too fixated on the thousand years; it is a contrast with the one-hour reign of those who killed them in Revelation 17:12. How sad it must be to be an enemy of Christ. You can even kill all your enemies and they just come back to defeat you. How great it is to be a friend of Jesus!

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 21.

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The White Rider Returns

Christ returns by waiting for the word

Today’s reading is Revelation 19.

The rider on the white horse who went forth conquering and to conquer at the beginning of the book finally fulfills His destiny. But not only that, He brings along behind Him all those who seemed to have been defeated. The white clothed martyrs make up His army. Keep in mind that we are in a battle, but death in this battle doesn’t mean defeat. Even though we die in this battle, we are part of Christ’s victorious army. In the end, He wins, and if we hang with Him even unto death, we win. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 20.

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Rome or Jerusalem?

Italy-arch of Titus by Jeff Krause

Today’s reading is Revelation 18.

Many of us argue about Babylon the Great–does she represent Jerusalem or Rome? Perhaps the answer is, “Yes.” That is, maybe, especially in modern discussions, we make too much of figuring out which particular city or nation Babylon represents here instead of simply seeing what happens to any city or nation that opposes the kingdom of God. It doesn’t matter if the city is Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca, Medina, London, or Washington, this is the ultimate end for any who oppose God’s kingdom. When we face the attack of the nations and cities, let us hang on to Jesus. Those who repent will join us in the gospel; those who don’t will one day mourn and weep as their city falls by the hand of God.

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 19.

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